Freedom Junkie Radio
Freedom Junkie Radio with Betsy Dewey is your podcast destination for freedom, truth, fearlessness, preparedness, optimal health, optimal wealth, and empowering you to take life by the horns.
Betsy covers anything and everything that brings more freedom, independence, self-actualization and self-reliance into our lives.
Life is to be lived with gusto. And the degree to which we are free is the degree to which we can achieve our potential and a life extraordinarily well-lived.
My name is Betsy. I’m a freedom junkie. I’m an American patriot. I’m a homeschool mom, a home birther, a musician, a Constitutionalist and a pioneer of light. My intention is to bring you the most important voices and information of our times, and to have fun doing it.
Our planet needs truth, courage, love and tough love.
Present day journalism has become a farce. Industrial farming is destroying our planet. Our education system is churning out robots with very little capacity to think for themselves. After all, critical thinking is dangerous to the system. Our pineal glands are calcified, our bodies have been flooded with chemicals from the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, and the drugs we’ve been given to combat these things have led us so far from optimal health that we don’t even know what it feels like.
Our planet needs truth, courage, love and tough love.
Present day journalism has become a farce. Industrial farming is destroying our planet. Our education system is churning out robots with very little capacity to think for themselves. After all, critical thinking is dangerous to the system. Our pineal glands are calcified, our bodies have been flooded with chemicals from the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, and the drugs we’ve been given to combat these things have led us so far from optimal health that we don’t even know what it feels like.
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But there is hope. This podcast is not about doom and gloom. It’s about solutions, creating joyful, meaningful lives and a world that is dominated by love and goodness.
There is a world-wide movement going on. It’s happening all around us. If you don’t know about it, it’s because you’ve been inundated, quite purposefully, by fear, negativity, propaganda and lies. This revolution in consciousness is happening. It’s huge actually. Mainstream, social media, and all outlets which have been controlled by those with a nefarious agenda can not keep this glorious movement from bubbling up through the cracks.
The internet has allowed us to communicate amongst ourselves, bypass the propaganda, awaken, and free our minds. The movement is MASSIVE. And we’re high vibe.
And all of us are individuals. We are still human and unique. Some of us know about hidden technologies – ones that have been hidden from mankind because they would destroy billion dollar industries. Some of us know about human psychology and how our minds have been hijacked and lulled to sleep by the education and entertainment industries. Some of us know about how chemicals have calcified our pineal glands, rendering us nearly incapable of connecting to the divine. Some of us know that the destructive, endless wars of the 20th century were entirely unnecessary. Some of us know about how modern farming is destroying our most precious resources of all – our water and food supplies. Some of us know about the systematic dismantling of our precious Constitution and our human rights. Some of us know about the insidious history of socialism/communism and how it’s led to more death and destruction of human potential than any other ideology. Some of us know how to exit the rat race and create the life of our dreams. Some of us know about chemical aerosol spraying. Some of us know about nano-technology. Some of us know about preparedness and survival skills. Some of us know about entrepreneurship, community and freedom-based life styles. Some of us know how to survive a grand solar minimum. Some of us know about the intentional breakdown of the family unit.
None of us knows it all. None of us will agree on everything. We are here together and life has never been easy, but it’s also never been easier. We have access to all the knowledge and wisdom of the past and we have the ability to share it. Humanity is good and we are saving ourselves.
The movement taking over the Earth is one of decentralization, of freedom, of truth, of empowerment, of exposing that which has been hidden, and of love.
The cesspool we’re stepping out of has been characterized by division, lies, slavery, control, conformity, fear and evil.
We are creating a new Earth, a new way of being together, a new World community where individuals, groups and cultures are championed, where we don’t have to be the same, where there is healthy competition, a love for our planet and our fellow man, where race isn’t a consideration, and content of character is everything.
We are mothers, fathers, business people, farmers, doctors, scientists, artists, leaders. We are thinkers and we do not think the same things or the same way. It’s called diversity. And we like it.
We are trying to reach the masses – those who are still under the spell of the great sleep, those who think that the drugs being pushed on us are in our best interests, those who don’t question the ones who make our laws, those who think you can’t question science, those who think that everyone is racist.
It’s been called an awakening and it is.
Our planet is either on the verge of the UN Agenda 21/2030 total enslavement of the population – and I’m not exaggerating – OR we’re on the verge of a whole new paradigm of independence, abundance, opportunity, growth and love. It’s going to take as many of us as possible to wake up, learn as much as we can, find our courage and our voices and to stand up. The light we are collectively ushering forth from all over the world is indomitable.
It’s not left vs. right, liberal vs. conservative, republican vs. democrat.
It’s awake vs. asleep.
I’m so happy you are here with us.
There is a world-wide movement going on. It’s happening all around us. If you don’t know about it, it’s because you’ve been inundated, quite purposefully, by fear, negativity, propaganda and lies. This revolution in consciousness is happening. It’s huge actually. Mainstream, social media, and all outlets which have been controlled by those with a nefarious agenda can not keep this glorious movement from bubbling up through the cracks.
The internet has allowed us to communicate amongst ourselves, bypass the propaganda, awaken, and free our minds. The movement is MASSIVE. And we’re high vibe.
And all of us are individuals. We are still human and unique. Some of us know about hidden technologies – ones that have been hidden from mankind because they would destroy billion dollar industries. Some of us know about human psychology and how our minds have been hijacked and lulled to sleep by the education and entertainment industries. Some of us know about how chemicals have calcified our pineal glands, rendering us nearly incapable of connecting to the divine. Some of us know that the destructive, endless wars of the 20th century were entirely unnecessary. Some of us know about how modern farming is destroying our most precious resources of all – our water and food supplies. Some of us know about the systematic dismantling of our precious Constitution and our human rights. Some of us know about the insidious history of socialism/communism and how it’s led to more death and destruction of human potential than any other ideology. Some of us know how to exit the rat race and create the life of our dreams. Some of us know about chemical aerosol spraying. Some of us know about nano-technology. Some of us know about preparedness and survival skills. Some of us know about entrepreneurship, community and freedom-based life styles. Some of us know how to survive a grand solar minimum. Some of us know about the intentional breakdown of the family unit.
None of us knows it all. None of us will agree on everything. We are here together and life has never been easy, but it’s also never been easier. We have access to all the knowledge and wisdom of the past and we have the ability to share it. Humanity is good and we are saving ourselves.
The movement taking over the Earth is one of decentralization, of freedom, of truth, of empowerment, of exposing that which has been hidden, and of love.
The cesspool we’re stepping out of has been characterized by division, lies, slavery, control, conformity, fear and evil.
We are creating a new Earth, a new way of being together, a new World community where individuals, groups and cultures are championed, where we don’t have to be the same, where there is healthy competition, a love for our planet and our fellow man, where race isn’t a consideration, and content of character is everything.
We are mothers, fathers, business people, farmers, doctors, scientists, artists, leaders. We are thinkers and we do not think the same things or the same way. It’s called diversity. And we like it.
We are trying to reach the masses – those who are still under the spell of the great sleep, those who think that the drugs being pushed on us are in our best interests, those who don’t question the ones who make our laws, those who think you can’t question science, those who think that everyone is racist.
It’s been called an awakening and it is.
Our planet is either on the verge of the UN Agenda 21/2030 total enslavement of the population – and I’m not exaggerating – OR we’re on the verge of a whole new paradigm of independence, abundance, opportunity, growth and love. It’s going to take as many of us as possible to wake up, learn as much as we can, find our courage and our voices and to stand up. The light we are collectively ushering forth from all over the world is indomitable.
It’s not left vs. right, liberal vs. conservative, republican vs. democrat.
It’s awake vs. asleep.
I’m so happy you are here with us.